We’re live – with Live Chat! Some of the more eagle eyed among you may have noticed something different each time you’ve browsed our website over the last two weeks. There’s a little purple box in the right hand corner… yes, that’s right, we have Live Chat!Why live chat?Because we want to communicate with our clients by whatever means they prefer. Whilst it may appear that we’ve rolled back the years, back to the days of good ol’ MSN Messenger, we love having this new facility and it seems that our clients love it too. We’ve spent the past two weeks trialing this new way of connecting with you all and we’ve received 100% great feedback from each and every person who has been online and chatted with us. So, it would seem that you’re all loving this instantaneous way of connecting with our team and we’re pleased to report that Live Chat is here to stay.How do you contact us via live chat?Whether you’re a vendor, buyer, landlord, tenant, or if you’re just having a nosey round the website to kill time (we know you do it, don’t worry, we won’t tell) just pop on our website, put your query into the chat box and you could have your answer within seconds. Whether you want to know our opening times, book a viewing or want us to let out your property, you can enquire about pretty much anything and our team will be available to help as much as they can. It couldn’t be easier. Of course, there will be times when we’re unable to help via Live Chat (we can’t break data protection for example) however, we promise we’ll do our utmost to continue to deliver our usual high standards.You might be wondering, why have we decided that now is the time to grace you with our Live Chat… well, it seems we just get busier by the day. Phones are ringing off the hook, e-mails come through to us in their thousands and you’re always popping in to our Deansgate and Liverpool offices to say hello (which obviously we LOVE), but the time felt right to add something a little different that would help you guys reach us in a way that suits you. It’s quick, simple and easy with no hassle whatsoever, just like Ascend.Don’t tell us you’re not tempted. Go on, we dare you to give it a try… Back to news Posted: 23 May 2017 Posted in: General
Ascend Shortlisted for 'Residential Operator of the Year' at the 2025 Insider Media NW Residential Property Awards