Top 10 #StayAtHome Activities Ok so you’ve probably completed week 2 or 3 of #WorkFromHome (WFH) by now? Most likely you’re getting fed-up of looking at the same 4 walls and scrolling down your news feed! Fear not - the weekend is here… But there’s nothing to do at the weekend you might be thinking?! There is now – why not complete these top 10 activities to kill some time? 1. Movie marathons and binge-worthy TV series When would you normally get the chance to freely binge all your favourite TV shows, old and new? With Coronavirus keeping us all indoors, now’s the perfect chance to get in to your comfies and get your movie-marathon game on. For Disney lovers, Disney+ has just launched and even comes with a free 7 day trial. For notorious Netflixers, Tiger King is an interesting watch to get your claws in to! 2. P.E. with Joe Wicks Now let’s not forget to actually move during these lazy times. The Body Coach Joe Wicks has released his new program ‘P.E. with Joe Wicks’ which consists of 30 minute home-workouts streamed live on YouTube each morning. Fun for all the family, these daily work-outs are well worth a shot. 3. Learn a TikTok Dance The world is going crazy for this app! Foot shakes, celebrity voice-overs, synchronised dances – you name it! No matter how many times you flick through TikTok, you can always count on seeing a new group of bored housemates or families having a go at the famous challenges. Why not have a crack yourself? #BoredInTheHouseAndImInTheHouseBored 4. Bake Who’s constantly going to the fridge to indulge in yet more snacks, only to realise they’ve all gone? Well to avoid popping out to the shops here and there and to stick by Boris’s rules, try a spot of baking! Flapjack, cheesecakes, cupcakes, brownies, the list goes on. No one says you have to be the next Mary Berry, but it’s a fun way to get fed! 5. Bongo’s Bingo No doubt you’ll have heard of the famous Bongo’s Bingo. Originating in Liverpool and then branching out to Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and even world-wide, this super popular event has literally re-invented the game of bingo. But as we all know, 2020 and its upcoming events are pretty much cancelled, so Jonny Bongo and his team have brought the activity to your home. Simply stream the events here (or find the link on their socials). All you need is a UK mobile number to play and best of all, it’s completely free! 6. Talk to your pals on House Party With more time on our hands, we’re all checking in on Facetime to our friends and family. Thanks to House Party you can now make video calls a bit more exciting. With built-in games and the ability to join any of your contacts chats, it’s the virtual equivalent of turning up at your mate’s house. 7. Host a quiz Because who doesn’t love a good old quiz? Use the powers of Facetime (or House Party) to get the whole family involved and take in turns each time to rotate the quiz master. From theme tunes to sport rounds, music to history, the fun is endless, and it makes a great way to pass some time. Tip – stock up on some drinks and nuts while you play, and you’ll feel like you’re in the pub (well not quite, but hey)! 8. Order some clothes With bars, restaurants and all things entertainment completely shut, you’re probably (finally) saving some pennies. It’s important to still feel good though, so get yourself on your favourite site and treat yourself to some fresh new kicks, or a new outfit. You’re most likely living in your pyjamas these days, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t upgrade your #StayAtHome kit. 9. Play a board game Finally, you’ve now got time to finish Monopoly! Why not take things to the more traditional side of home entertainment; puzzles, board games, cards are still just as much fun as they were back in the day. So, get digging those dusty boxes from out of the loft, storage or under the bed and get your competitive head on. 10. Read a book Whether you’re a complete and utter bookworm, or you’re hardly the next J.K. Rowling, getting your head in to a good book is a brilliant way to occupy your mind and entertain yourself. Have a flick through your bookshelf or get browsing on Amazon and Apple’s stores and you’re bound to find something up your street. You can even get audiobooks for most classics these days, so you can literally shut your eyes, put your headphones on and have someone tell the story for you! Hopefully our top 10 #StayAtHome activities will keep you busy as we all embrace the great indoors. Remember, staying home will protect the NHS and save lives. Stay safe all! Back to news Posted: 02 April 2020 Posted in: General
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