Three tips for keeping your home safe The nights may be finally starting to get lighter but we’re still struggling with dark mornings, dull afternoons and cold weather (hurry up summer!). We know the cold nights aren’t all bad, because who doesn’t love cuddling up on the sofa with a big blanket and a hot chocolate, right? But unfortunately, the cold days and dark nights do tend to bring out the worst in people. Research shows that the colder, darker times of the year are when were are most likely to get burgled – eek! Not only does this weather present an opportunity for well… ‘sneaky’ activities but the aftermath of Christmas means we have a few more goodies knocking around our homes than we usually would, which is obviously a bonus for burglars.But it’s not only robberies we have to be cautious of – us UK residents are known for our gloomy weather, and these past few months have been no exception. Wind, rain, snow, hail and floods have affected so much of the country already this year and the damage has had some devastating effects. And let’s face it, none of us want (or need) extra hassle in our lives, right?As always, our Ascend team are here to offer help and friendly advice on how to avoid property related blunders. We hate the thought of anyone losing sleep over some pesky burglars or disastrous weather conditions, so we have some tips on how you can make your home that little bit safer.1) InsuranceFirst things first, to clear up any confusion…BUILDINGS insurance = LandlordsCONTENTS insurance = TenantsNow we’re not here to name any names, but you’d be surprised at the number of tenants who don’t insure their goods. It may seem like a no-brainer, but some rebellious few would rather take the risk and save a few pennies than fill out an insurance form. We would always recommend that tenants take out contents insurance. This insurance protects your valuables and prices are incredibly competitive these days so you can drive a hard bargain and sort cover our in a jiffy. The same applies for landlords and buildings insurance - this can protect your investment against damage caused by extreme weather or any other disasters. Take note. It’s important.2) Taking PrecautionsAlthough there is little we can do to stop anyone’s beady eyes from lurking around our homes, there are precautions we can take to stop potential burglars in their tracks – the most obvious one being an alarms. Preferably a loud, ear ringing, light flashing device which will send them running for the hills. Tenants can check with their agent or landlord to see if these can be fitted. However, if you live in an apartment block, chances are the building will have its own safety measures in place such as entry codes and so on. Oh, the wonders of the 21st century!As for the weather, one of the main problems which occur during the colder months are frozen pipes – these can lead to bursts or water leaks. Luckily a smart agent (like us here) will check your property regularly to ensure everything is well-maintained however, you can do your bit by ensuring that you keep your boiler running regularly. Think of it as an excuse to crank up the radiator when it’s extra chilly.3) Small DeterrentsThere are little things you can do yourself to protect your home. Automatic timers or leaving the lights on in a property when you go out is a good way to keep robbers at bay. It’s also an idea to check whether your property has double glazed windows – not only are these difficult to break, but they also keep your home nice and toasty when its cold out, how’s that for a 2-4-1 deal?!With Ascend, you know you’re in a safe pair of hands. We can offer advice to tenants and landlords on how they can best protect themselves and their home. Our clients can even report problems online so they can get their issues solved as quickly as possible outside of office hours – now that’s what we call service! To find out more, chat to us today at our Manchester Office on 0161 637 8336 or Liverpool Office on 0151 305 2577. Back to news Posted: 23 May 2017 Posted in: General
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