Our year so far 2016 It might only be February, but if you’ve followed our journey for a while now, you’ll know we don’t do things by halves. We’re hard workers. Proper roll-your-sleeves-up-and-get-stuck-in kind of people. There’s no sitting back, twirling in our chairs here. That’s why we get jobs done. With a smile on our face. Because we’re happy. Happy-go-lucky some might say.Anyhow, 2015 was an epic year for us. We achieved so much in such a short space of time. Award wins, team growth, office expansions and over 1,000 managed properties under our belt. There’s not much more that we could have packed in to our mega year. But for 2016, we set our sights on even bigger and better performance. We’re already on target to reach 1,500 managed properties this year and we’ve been appointed as the management agents on a further 167 properties including multiple units in three blocks over the past month alone; 52 apartments in Manchester, 39 in Stockport and 41 in Portsmouth. And whilst last year will certainly take some beating, we’re on track for superstardom. Well… maybe not superstardom but the future is definitely looking as purple as ever! We’ve not even completed month 2 of 2016 yet and enquiry numbers are already through the roof, the phones are ringing off the hook and we’re holding jam-packed open days on both rental and sales properties – highlighting the demand for city centre property in Manchester.Let’s look at the numbers. So far this year we have:SOLD £4M+ worth of propertyBROUGHT 46 new rental units to the marketBEEN APPOINTED AS MANAGING AGENT on 167 new units WON 24 new sales instructionsGAINED 22 new 5* reviews Not bad, huh? If we do say so ourselves.We know we’re bragging, but we’re incredibly proud of everything we’ve achieved. Positive feedback not only reassures us that we’re doing everything we should as an agent, it also puts a huge beaming smile on our little faces to know we’ve done a good job.If you’re looking for a proper good Manchester city centre agent then look no further. We know how to keep our clients happy and we’ll always go the extra mile to deliver on our promises. So, whether that’s selling your property, finding your dream home or managing your portfolio, give us a call today on 0161 637 8336. We’d love to have a chat. Back to news Posted: 23 May 2017 Posted in: General
Ascend Shortlisted for 'Residential Operator of the Year' at the 2025 Insider Media NW Residential Property Awards