Could this year be the best yet for liverpool

Could this year be the best yet for Liverpool?

It’s been almost a whole year since we first moved into our Liverpool home and we’ve loved every minute of it. It’s hard to believe there was a time when Liverpool was an Ascend-less city. It feels like we’ve been here from day one.

Luckily for us, Liverpool is a city that has lived up to our expectations. Being in the centre, we’re in the heart of all the action. So far this year, there’s been even more of a buzz across the city than usual and there’s nothing we love more than following all the latest trends and seeing what brings people into this amazing location.

The spotlight has never shone so brightly on Liverpool and it certainly seems to be the place everyone is talking about. 2018 marks 10 years since Liverpool was named as a city of culture and it’s a city that has only got better with age. Not only is it soaring in terms of a strong property market, but also as a thriving business district. With ever-growing employment prospects and a buzzing nightlife and entertainment scene attracting newbies into the city, demand to live here is off the chart.

House prices

The overwhelming demand for property in Liverpool was the main driving force behind us opening our new home here – and this demand is strengthening by the day. According to recent reports, experts have predicted that Liverpool is set for big things this year. It’s already been named as the buy to let hotspot of 2017 and this year is set to be no different. Over the next five years alone, house prices are expected to grow by up to 18%* which is great news for anyone already on the ladder. If not, then it’s not too late to hop on this year and make the most of a new home as well as a future investment. If you fancy a nosey, you can check out all the properties we have for sale in Liverpool right now here.

What’s on?

Of course, it’s not just the high quality property bringing people into the city (although if that’s your thing then there is more on the way). Liverpool is an eclectic place full of new and exciting happenings – no matter what day of the week you can pretty much guarantee something will be going down in the city. And this year is even more exciting as Liverpool celebrates its 10 years as a city of culture.

If music is your thing, then you’ll want to head down to Liverpool Sound City festival that takes place across the Baltic Triangle. The annual festival takes place at the beginning of May and sees the city taken over by music fans for an entire weekend with some big-name acts hitting the stage. If you’re more into cultural offerings, you can check out the Terracotta Warriors exhibition at Liverpool’s World Museum. The city will exclusively host this amazing display of 180 artefacts from museums across Shaanxi Province,over half of which have never been on show in the UK before – a once in a lifetime opportunity not to be missed! For this and loads more goings on this year, check out all the city’s events here.

Liverpool’s future

We could go on forever about what Liverpool has in store,but we feel it’s best to just round-up the highlights for now.  Here’s just a few of the exciting new developments on the way for the city:

Project Paddington – This £1 billion scheme is set to transform the city over the next few years. Not only will it create new jobs and new homes, but there’s also plans for educational centres, laboratories, and bars and restaurants onsite too. Sit tight for this one!

Great Homer Street – Also known as “Project Jennifer”, this is set to make a huge difference to North Liverpool , bringing in a wealth of new jobs and a thriving leisure and retail scheme. It’s been a long time in the making, but we reckon it’ll be worth the wait.

Wirral Waters – It’s not quite Liverpool, but this regeneration project across Birkenhead Docklands certainly deserves a mention. New homes, new enterprises and new developments all on the waterside, with just a short ferry ride over to Liverpool. Watch this space!

Festival Park – Having been a derelict site for a number of years, the former Festival Gardens site is being brought back to life, thanks to new vision from the council. Festival Park is set to become a major leisure attraction upon its completion, and could even see a brand-new ferry terminal!

Liverpool Waters – This project will completely transform the northern docks into a waterfront quarter in the heart of Liverpool. Creating spaces to live, invest and work – this is without a doubt one of the most ambitious projects undertaken by The Peel Group.

And even more! – The action never stops in Liverpool and the city is moving and growing every day. Literally. As well as new homes there are leisure outlets, new businesses, shops and restaurants being built as we speak. It’s all go in the city, and we can’t wait to see all the magic happen.

Want to get in on the Liverpool action? Give us a call today to see how we can help. The city may be changing before our very eyes, but we’ve got property ready and waiting for you right now. Whether you’re looking to rent,buy or invest, we’ve got the property for you – so get involved now to be apart of Liverpool’s thriving new era. You won’t regret it.


Source* JLL

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