Ascend heads to africa

Ascend heads to Africa for charity project

Two of Manchester’s property professionals are on a mission to create safe spaces for communities in Ghana living without safe shelter or running water.

Ged McPartlin, director at Ascend Properties, and his main contractor, Matt Willoughby, at Revive Developments, are volunteering to help build and provide much needed accommodation for small communities in Ghana. The duo will spend one week in February helping to dig foundations, lay cement and plaster and paint new homes for those who are desperately in need of assistance in in Africa.

Utilising their existing property know-how to support the cause, the Manchester duo are also raising vital funds to improve the local standard of living through access to safe drinking water and toilets. All of the funds raised will go to Village By Village, a charity aiming to make a huge difference in reducing the suffering of children in poverty.

Ged and Matt will join a team of local builders to assist with building schools, toilets and community buildings from 3rd to 10th February 2018. Ged McPartlin, director at Ascend Properties, commented on why he wanted to take part in the project:

“Working in the property industry, we often take for granted the luxury of having a roof over our head. This charity spoke to us because property is such a huge part of our lives – everyone should have a right to a safe and clean haven and this is a great opportunity for us to go and help those who are less fortunate. Matt and I are truly honoured to be able to help out in any way we can.”

He continued, “Neither of us have ever taken on a challenge of this scale before, but as a business we feel it’s important to consider ways we can give back and determine how we can use our skills and knowledge to help others. We’re grateful for all the support we’ve had from friends, family,clients and associates on this journey so far, and we want to continue to raise awareness for the amazing work this charity does”

To find out more about the Building in Ghana project, visit the PodVolunteer website here. Donations to Ged and Matt’s fundraising can be made here.

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